According to estimates by the World Health Organization, in 2016 there were about 89,780 measles deaths, most of which occurred in children under 5 years old.
In 2012, countries around the world adopted a global goal to eliminate measles by 2020 and implemented several measures, the most important of which is to vaccinate children against measles. 9 months old. However, by 2017, measles was still recorded in 118 countries and territories around the world 2017. Even in the first weeks of 2018, measles outbreaks broke out in some localities of many countries. in the world.
In Europe, there is an outbreak of measles in Ukraine, in the first 2 weeks of 2018 there have been at least 1,285 cases of measles (67% of children), and 5 deaths have been recorded, of which 3 cases were reported. are children. Ukraine is the country with the lowest rates of measles vaccination among European countries. In the UK, in early 2018, there was also an increase in measles in five regions with 100 cases of measles. Measles outbreaks in the UK occurred in the context that many European countries also recorded an increase in measles in 2017, of which Romania (8 274 cases), Italy (4 885 cases), Germany (919 cases case), Greece (968 cases), France (77 cases), Sweden (26 cases). Most cases have not been vaccinated against measles. According to WHO statistics in 2016, 20/27 countries in Europe have the 2nd measles vaccination rate below 95%, while according to regional requirements, this rate must be over 99%.
In Asia, between November 2017 and January 2018, in Davao City, a major city in the Philippines, there was an increase in measles cases. Within more than 2 months, in Davao City, there were 222 cases, no deaths. Meanwhile, in Papua, a remote area of Indonesia, there has also been a measles outbreak that lasted from September 2017 to now with at least 59 deaths.
In the US, although measles was announced for elimination in 2000, there were still 120 cases recorded in 2017 and in the first month of 2018 there have been at least 6 cases of Ellis seed, Texas. All of these cases have not been vaccinated against measles.
The above countries noted that the measles outbreaks are implementing active activities to control the outbreaks early, in which the first important measure is organizing measles vaccination campaigns and early detection of the measles outbreaks. cases of measles in order to isolate and treat promptly to prevent the spread in the community and avoid death.
In Vietnam, although measles vaccination for children has been widely deployed in all regions of the country since 1985, measles cases are still reported every year. The risk of measles outbreaks can occur in remote areas where measles vaccination rates are low or in large cities where population densities are very high and mobility is high. large population.
To proactively prevent measles, the Ministry of Health recommends that people well implement the following contents:
1. To take initiative in bringing children aged 9 months who have not had measles vaccination or from 18 months of age who have not yet had 2 doses of measles vaccine to commune or ward health stations for measles vaccination.
2. When detecting signs of fever, cough, runny nose or rash, it is necessary to bring the child to the nearest medical facility to promptly examine and treat complications and severe developments of measles. restrict sending children to major hospitals in order to avoid measles infection from hospitals.
3. Measles is very contagious, does not allow children to come close or contact children with suspected measles. Regularly wash hands with soap when caring for children and ensure measures to increase nutrition for children.