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​prioritized activities for preventive medicine toward 2020

26/01/2015 In bài viết

prioritized activities for preventive medicine toward 2020

No. Content
1 Investment in infrastructure and equipment for preventive medicine at district level
  • Investment in infrastructure
  • Investment in equipment
Duration: 2014-2020
2 Project management and scientific research
  • Improve project management skills for staff at central and provincial levels and institutions
  • Train staffs in scientific study methodologies
  • Conduct short international study tours for officials of the General Department of Preventive Medicine through joint trainings
Duration: 2014-2020
3 Capacity building for health care workers at district level
  • Capacity building for health workers in planning, statistic collection and programme/project management
  • Conduct refresh training in professional skills
Duration: 2014-2020
4 Capacity improvement training for staff at GDPM and Institutes in preventive medicine system at central level: information technology, foreign languages, professional and specialization skills
Duration: 2014-2020
5 Computerize preventive medicine administrative procedures
Duration: 2014-2020
6 Support in developing preventive medicine system at local level to achieve National Preventive Medicine Standard
Duration: 2014-2016
7 Support in continuous education for preventive medicine staff
Duration: 2014-2016
8 Develop model for health surveillance and early detection of diseases (Individual, households and community)
Duration: 2014-2016
1 Prevention and control of communicable diseases
- Develop guidelines on surveillance of communicable diseases
- Develop short-term and long-term plans in prevention and control of certain key communicable diseases
- Organize trainings courses and workshops to disseminate officially issued technical guidelines
- Organize the International Day for rabies prevention and the ASEAN Dengue Day
Duration: 2014-2015
2 Prevention and control of zoonotic diseases
- Develop technical guidelines in prevention and control of zoonotic diseases.
- Organize training courses and workshops for dissemination of the guidelines
Duration: 2014-2015
3 Prevention and control of hepatitis
- Building supervision instruction for hepatitis.
- Propagating supervision instruction for hepatitis.
Duration: 2014-2015
4 Prevention and control of hepatitis
- Survey hepatitis C infection situation in the community
- Develop technical guideline for hepatitis surveillance.
- Disseminate the technical guideline for hepatitis surveillance.
- Capacity development training for prevention and control of hepatitis.
Duration: 2014-2017

5 Prevention and control of malaria
- Prevention of drug-resistance malaria.
- Eliminate malaria
Duration: 2016-2020
6 Prevention and control of rabies
- Assist experts to complete ASEAN Rabies Elimination Strategy
- Implement prevention and control activities of rabies in human and animal.
Duration: 2014-2015
7 Global Health Security Co-operation
- Support consultants/experts in epidemic prevention emergency response
- Provide equipment for EOC office, mobile epidemic prevention team
- Develop SoPs for EOC Office
- Organize training courses for capacity building for preventive medicine officers
Duration: 2014-2015
8 Field Epidemiology Training Program
Implement, manage and monitor long term Field Epidemiology Training Program (2 years)
Duration: yearly
9 Field Epidemiology Training Program
Organize, manage, supervise short term Field Epidemiology Training Program for students at provincial, district level
Duration: 2014
10 Prevention of influenza A and pandemic influenza
- Prevention of influenza A(H5N1), influenza A(H7N9)
- Prevention of pandemic
Duration: 2014, 2015                                   
1 NCDs surveillance
  • Scientific researches
  • Strengthening the capacity for community based mortality registry due to NCDs
  • National survey on risk factors of NCDs in 2015 (STEPwise survey)
  • Develop NCDs surveillance network
  • Develop information base and publish annual information set on NCDs
Duration: 2014-2020
2 Reduction of salt consumption in prevention of cadiovascular diseases and other NCDs
  • Scientific researches
  • National survey on average daily salt consumption per capita
  • Monitoring of community salt consumption trend
  • Implement interventions to reduce salt consumption
  • Develop national policy for control of harms from exessive salt consumption in prevention of NCDs
Duration: 2014-2020
3 Control of harmful use of alcohol
  • Monitor trends of group consumption of alcohol
  • Community interventions to reduce harms from alcohol
Duration: 2014-2020
4 Create health promoting environments for prevention of NCDs’ risk factors (smoking, alcohol abuse, physical inactivity, unhealthy nutrition)
  • Healthy workplace
  • Healthy city
  • Healthy family/community
Duration: 2014-2020
5 Strengthen capacity of preventive medicine system and primary health care system for prevention and control of NCDs
  • Reinforce and improve preventive medicine system at provincial/district level in prevention and control of NCDs
  • Strengthen capacity of primary health care for prevention and control of NCDs
Duration: 2014-2020
1 Implement health promoting school model
  • Control and prevention of school related diseases and disabilities
  • Control and prevention of communicable diseases
  • Promote healthy nutrition and physical activities
  • Health care for students
  • 2014-2020
1 Community nutrition
  • Control and prevention of malnutrition
  • Increase micronutrient
1 Improve management capacity and risk factor communication to prevent communicable diseases and NCDs, behavior change communication to prevent diseases in communities
Duration: 2014-2016
2 Coordinate multi-sector communication for health improvement and prevention of risk factors to community health
Duration: 2014-2016
1 Develop electronic curriculums and a distance learning system for quarantined communicable diseases for the border health quarantine system of Vietnam.
2 Review of national policies supporting for functioning of the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) National Focal Point and achievement of core capacities required by the IHR (2005)
3 Organize training courses and workshops to introduce the IHR (2005) for officers from ministries/sectors, regional institutions and provincial health quarantine units.
4 Evaluate existing national core capacities and resources required by IHR (2005)
5 Provide necessary equipments for designated points of entry as specified in Appendix 1 of the IHR (2005)
6 Conduct an assessment on real capacities/situation of designated points of entry
7 Develop national standards for International Health Quarantine Center
8 Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for border operations (multi sector collaboration, information sharing, etc.)
9 Strengthen and improve the roles of the IHR (2005) Focal Point for more effective implementation of the IHR (2005).
10 Supplement and amend functions and responsibilities of International Health Quarantine Centers and Provincial Preventive Medicine Centers with border health quarantine activities
11 Organize meetings/workshops to share information, best practices lessons learnt in prevention and control of communicable diseases at points of entry among border provinces of Vietnam – Cambodia – Laos
12 Organize training courses for International Health Quarantine Centers officers in professional procedures
13 Implement cooperation and collaboration mechanism in prevention and control of priority communicable diseases  among border provinces of Vietnam – Cambodia – Laos
14 Conduct joint cross border table top exercises in prevention and control of such communicable diseases as avian flu, cholera, etc. among border provinces of Vietnam – Cambodia – Laos
15 Implement proactive surveillance of suspected cases of emerging infectious diseases in communities and at points of entry, have them isolated and timely treated
16 Enhance capacity of International Health Quarantine Centers and Preventive Medicine Centers at all levels for effective prevention and control of communicable diseases
17 Develop an information sharing and reporting system for border health quarantine and IHR website in Vietnam
18 Establish an expert team including representatives from relevant ministries/sectors who participate in implementation of the IHR (2005). Develop a mechanism for information sharing and cooperation among relevant ministries/sectors in implementation of the IHR (2005)
19 Organize annual meetings for relevant ministries/sectors to evaluate progress in fulfillment of core capacities as required by the IHR (2005).
20 Develop inspection and evaluation plans with required specific evaluation indicators for each core capacity as required by IHR (2005)
1 Develop Decree regulating in details for immunization
2 Propagate Circular regulating the management of vaccines and biomedicals in diseases prevention and treatment
3 Develop Guidelines on preservation and use of vaccines and immunization safety practices, etc.
4 Organize training on monitoring response after vaccination
5 Support the organization of training courses and issuing certification of completing  immunization training courses
6 Support the operation of the Advisory Council for use of vaccines and biomedicals
7 Support the expansion of immunization services report software in 10 provinces/cities
8 Support the operation of the Ministry of Health’s Professional Advisory Council for evaluating complications in the process of using vaccines and biomedicals
9 Training for health staff on immunization safety communication
10 Training for officials from relevant Ministries and industries and administrations of all levels on immunization safety
1 Complete 5-year plan for development of bio-safety in laboratory
2 Organize training courses with certificate issuance on bio-safety in laboratory
3 Develop laboratory testing criteria
4 Organize training courses on evaluation and issuing certification of laboratory meeting biological safety standards of different levels
5 Develop guidelines/instructions for collection, storage and transportation of blood specimens of emerging diseases such as MER-COV and other infectious diseases
6 Develop projects for bio-technology development in medical field
1 Communicable diseases surveillance software system
Duration: 2014-2020
2 Non-communicable disease surveillance software system
Duration: 2014-2020
3 School health management and reporting software system
Duration: 2014-2020

4 Preventive medicine management software system
Duration: 2014-2020
5 Reaction after immunization online reporting software
Duration: 2014-2020
6 GDPM digital office system
Duration: 2014-2020
7 Online meeting system for GDPM, Institutes in preventive medicine system and 63 Provincial Preventive Medicine Centers
Duration: 2014-2020
8 GDPM online portal
Duration: 2014-2020
1 Support in development and promulgation of standards for statistics, reporting, planning, directing, supervising in the field of preventive medicine
Duration: 2014-2020


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Tăng cường phòng chống Cúm A(H7N9) mùa Đông – Xuân và dịp Tết Nguyên đán Ất Mùi

Ngày 19/01/2015, Tổ chức Y tế thế giới (WHO) thông báo Trung Quốc tiếp tục ghi nhận thêm 15 trường hợp nhiễm cúm A/H7N9

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